Latest version.
  • Resolution Number
    1967-7-1 Amends §§ 3, 4 and 5 of Ord. 22, position classifications and salary schedules for employees (Not codified)
    197 1-7-1 Amends Ord. 22, position classifications and salary schedules for employees (Not codified)
    1972-6-4 Employment rules and regulations (2.12)
    1974-2-5 Adopts guidelines for implementation of governmental conflict of interests act (Not codified)
    1977-6-11 Adopts conflict of interest code; rescinds Res. 1977-2-7 (8.04)
    1981-3-1 Adopts amended conflict of interest code (8.04)
    1989-4-1 Compensation and reimbursement of directors and staff; rescinds Res. 1986-11-2 (Not codified)
    1990-6-3 Compensation of directors who attend meetings of Fontana Union Water Company; rescinds Res. 1989-4-1 (Not codified)
    1990-7-2 Procedures for appeals and hearings (Not codified)
    1992-9-5 Adopts amended conflict of interest code (Not codified)
    1993-7-2 Agreement to have alternative tax apportionment procedure apply to tax levies of district (3.04)
    1994-6-2 Repeals and replaces Res. 1991-1-5, employer-employee relations (2.08)
    1995-4-2 Amends § 4 of Ord. 40 and amends § 1 of Res. 1989-4-1, compensation of board of directors (2.04)
    1996-11-1 Adopts amended conflict of interest code (8.04)
    1998-3-2 Rules governing claims brought against district (Repealed by 2003-7-3)
    1998-12-1 Adopts amended conflict of interest code (8.04)
    1999-6-1 Adopts local guidelines for implementing California Environ-mental Quality Act (7.04)
    1999-11-2 Orders detachment of territory from the Cucamonga County Water District (Special)
    1999-12-2 Authorizes sale of surplus District owned property (Special)
    2000-3-1 Adopts amended employees de-erred compensation plan; rescinds Res. 1998-11-3 (2.12)
    2000-3-2 Adopts amended alternative retirement system for part-time, seasonal and temporary employees; rescinds Res. 1998-11-5 (2.12)
    2000-6-1 Amends the Employees Personnel Manual to grant District employees a cost-of-living increase, additional fringe benefits and adjusts salary compensation for positions of GIS Coordinator and Human Resources Administrator (Special)
    2000-6-3 Adopts amended local guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (7.04)
    2000-8-1 Rate of Taxation for FY 2000/2001; rescinds Res. 1999-8-1(Special)
    2000-12-1 Approves supplemental agreement amending Exhibit B to the agreement between the District and the Cucamonga Public Facilities Corporation (Not codified)
    2000-12-2 Authorizes installment sale agreement and trust agreement between the District and the Cucamonga Public Facilities Corporation (Not codified)
    2000-12-3 Adopts the 2000 urban water management plan update (Not codified)
    2000-12-4 Adopts amended Conflict of Interest Code (8.04.010)
    2001-1-2 Intent to authorize amendment to California Public Employees' Retirement System (Special)
    2001-2-1 Adopts the annual statement of investment policy for the District; rescinds Res. 1998-9-3 (Not codified)
    2001-2-2 Authorizes amendment to California Public Employees' Retirement System contract (Special)
    2001-2-3 Amends the Chino Basin regional sewage service contract with exhibits (Not codified)
    2001-2-5 Amends and supplements Res. 2000-12-2 (Not codified)
    2001-3-2 Approves joint community facilities agreement regarding formation of a community facilities district (Not codified)
    2001-4-1 Authorizes officers of the District to execute a corporation quitclaim deed to San Bernardino Associated Governments; rescinds Res. 1984-7-3 (Not codified)
    2001-5-1 Approves installment sale agreement, trust agreement, and escrow agreement between the District and the Cucamonga Public Facilities Corporation (Not codified)
    2001-6-2 Adopts local guidelines for implementing California Environmental Quality Act (7.04)
    2001-6-4 Approves joint community facilities financing agreement between the District and the city of Rancho Cucamonga (Not codified)
    2001-6-7 Amends the Employees Personnel Manual to grant District employees a cost-of-living increase and additional fringe benefits (Special)
    2001-12-3 Accepts a grant of from WL Inland Associates, L.P. (Not codified)
    2001-12-4 Accepts a grant of easement from Centex Homes (Not codified)
    2002-2-2 Adopts the annual statement, rescinds Res. 2002-2-1 (Not codified)
    2002-5-2 Establishes the District intent to participate in the water/ wastewater agency network; rescinds Res. 1997-1-4 (Not codified)
    2002-7-1 Authorizes execution and delivery of an equipment lease/ purchase agreement (Not codified)
    2002-9-1 Amends and adopts the Conflict of Interest Code pursuant to the Political Reform Act of 1974 (8.04.010)
    2003-1-3 Adopts amended Employees Deferred Compensation Plan, rescinds 2002-4-1 (Not codified)
    2003-1-4 Adopts amended Employees' Alternative Retirement System for part-time, seasonal and temporary employees, rescinds 2002-5-3 (Not codified)
    2003-1-5 Approves forming of a joint community facilities financing agreement between the city of Rancho Cucamonga and the District (Not codified)
    2003-5-1 Incorporates all resolutions adopted by the District into the Codification of the general ordinances and resolutions of the Cucamonga County Water District. (1.01)
    2003-7-3 Amends 3.04.020—3.04.050, Claims against the District; repeals 1998-3-2. (3.04)
    2003-10-8 Changes name of District to Cucamonga Valley Water District, and adopts new District logo. (1.01)
    2004-3-1 Southern California Edison Company easement (Not codified)
    2004-3-2 Accepts a grant of easement from Cucamonga Ventures LLC (Not codified)
    2004-3-3 Accepts a grant of easement from Stonebridge Rancho Cucamonga LLC (Not codified)
    2003-3-4 Accepts a grant of easement from Stonebridge Rancho Cucamonga LLC (Not codified
    2004-3-5 Quitclaims a pipeline easement and authorizes execution of a corporation quitclaim deed to the Ontario Redevelopment Agency (not codified)
    2004-3-7 Accepts a grant of easement from Amwest Environmental Group, Inc., and Hua Kuo Hwang and Rebekah Hwang (Not codified)
    2004-4-2 Support for Local Taxpayers And Public Safety Protection Act (Not codified)
    2004-4-3 Consent to enter the Association of California Water Agencies/Joint Powers Insurance (Not codified)
    2004-4-4 Authorizes application to the Director of Industrial Relation State of California for a certificate of consent to self-insure workers' compensation (Not codified)
    2004-4-5 Quitclaims a pipeline easement and authorizes execution of a corporation quitclaim deed to the Northtown Housing Development Corporation (Not codified)
    2004-4-6 Accepts a grant of easement from Hermosa 2 PI, LLC (Not codified)
    2004-4-7 Accepts a grant of easement from D. R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. (Not codified)
    2004-4-8 Accepts a grant of easement from D. R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. (Not codified)
    2004-4-9 Accepts a grant of easement from D. R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. (Not codified)
    2004-5-2 Declares an emergency water condition (Not codified)
    2004-6-1 Grants district employees a cost of living increase, additional fringe benefits and adjusts compensation for public affairs employees and senior engineer, approves a new salary range for the position of human resources assistant, and approves filling the position of senior engineer (Not codified)
    2004-6-2 Declares that a water emergency no longer exists (Not codified)
    2004-6-3 Support the nomination of director Kimberly Cox as special district representative (Not codified)
    2004-7-1 Amends and adopts local guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (7.04)
    2004-9-2 Amends and adopts the Conflict of Interest Code (8.04.010)
    2006-4-3 Amends and adopts local guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (7.04)
    2008-11-1 Amends and adopts local guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (7.04.010)
    2008-12-1 Amends and adopts the Conflict of Interest Code (8.04.010)
    2011-2-2 Adopts standard tort claim policy (3.04.010—3.04.030)
    2012-06-01 Amends and adopts local guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (7.04.010)
    2012-8-1 Adopts an amended Conflict of Interest Code (8.04.010)
    2014-10-1 Adopts an amended Conflict of Interest Code (8.04.010)
    2015-2-7 Adopts Annual Statement of Investment Policy (3.10)
    2015-5-3 Declaration of Stage 6 - Severe Water Emergency (4.24.040)
    2015-8-4 Adopts Amended Statement of PARS Investment (3.12)
    2015-10-2 Increasing the amount of the IEUA Sewer Capital Capacity Reimbursement Fee (5.08.060)
    2015-11-5 Amending Reserve and Financial Benchmark Policy 8.3 (3.09.010—3.09.070)
    2015-11-6 Amending Purchasing Policy 8.1 (3.08.010—3.08.130)
    2016-2-3 Amending Investment Policy 8.4 (3.10.010—3.10.160)
    2016-2-4 Amending Capital Assets Policy 8.7 (3.13.010—3.13.040)
    2016-5-6 Amending Reserve and Financial Benchmark Policy 8.3 (3.09.040)
    2016-10-1 Amending PARS Investment Policy 8.6 (3.12.190)
    2016-10-3 Amending Debt Management Policy (3.11)
    2017-8-1  8-22-2017 Amending Board Member Travel and Conference Guidelines and Administrative Policy Manual (2.1)       Added 2.12.010—2.12.160
    2017-9-1  9-26-2017 Revising Records Retention Schedule (2.3) 1—4       Added 2.16.010—2.16.040
    2017-10-2 10-24-2017 Amending Purchase Policy 3.08.060—3.08.120
    2018-1-1  1-23-2018 Amending Investment Policy (1.4) 3.10.010—3.10.160
    2018-3-2  3-27-2018 Adopting Social Medial Policy (2.7)       Added 2.08.010—2.08.050
    2018-7-2  7-24-2018 Amending Purchasing Policy 1.1 1(Exh. A) 3.08.010, 3.08.020
    2018-7-3  7-24-2018 Amending Credits and Adjustments Policy 1.8 1(Exh. A)       Added 3.14.010—3.14.050
    2018-8-3  8-28-2018 Amending Debt Management Policy 1.5 1(Exh. A, § 3) 3.11.030
    1(Exh. A, § 4) 3.11.040
    1(Exh. A, § 5) 3.11.050
    1(Exh. A, § 6) 3.11.060
    1(Exh. A, § 9) 3.11.090
    1(Exh. A, § 10) 3.11.100
    1(Exh. A, § 12) 3.11.120
    1(Exh. A, § 13) 3.11.130
    2018-9-2  9-25-2018 Amending PARS Investment 1 3.12.010—3.12.190
    2018-10-1 10-23-2018 Adopting Customer Assistance Program Policy 1.9 1(Att. §§ 1—6)       Added 3.15.010—3.15.060
    2018-12-1 12-11-2018 Reserve & Financial Benchmark Policy 1 3.09.010
    2 3.09.020
    3, 4 3.09.030, 3.09.040
    5       Added 3.09.045
    6 3.09.050
    7 3.09.060
    8 3.09.070
    2019-2-4  2-12-2018 Amending Investment Policy No. 1.4 1(Policy No. 1.4, § 2) 3.10.020
    1(Policy No. 1.4, § 4) 3.10.040
    1(Policy No. 1.4, § 5) 3.10.050
    1(Policy No. 1.4, § 6) 3.10.060
    1(Policy No. 1.4, § 8) 3.10.080
    1(Policy No. 1.4, § 9) 3.10.090
    1(Policy No. 1.4, § 10) 3.10.100
    1(Policy No. 1.4, § 14) 3.10.140
    2019-2-5  2-12-2019 Amending Capital Assets Policy No. 1.7 1(Policy No. 1.7, § 3) 3.13.030
    1(Policy No. 1.7, § 4) 3.13.040
    1(Policy No. 1.7, § 5)       Added 3.13.050