The purpose of this policy is to define the practices governing the procurement of
supplies, materials, equipment and services, including construction and capital improvements,
for District use and to relate the principals of applicable provisions of governing
law and to District administrative policies. This policy is the written rule and regulation
required by California Government Code Section 54202 and also serves as the District
administrative procedure governing procurement activities.
By adoption of this policy, the Board is empowering the General Manager/Chief Executive
Officer (GM/CEO), or his/her authorized representative with certain duties and responsibilities
that are essential for the day-to-day operation of the District. The GM/CEO has delegated
the procurement of goods, materials, and services to the Assistant General Manager
(AGM) who oversees the Finance and Administration departments, as well as those staff
members given specific authority. In addition, the procurement of contracting, engineering,
consulting and design for Capital Projects is delegated to the Assistant General Manager
(AGM) who oversees the Engineering and Operations departments.