§ 3.09.050. Budgetary Transfers.  

Latest version.
  • CVWD adopts an Operating and Capital Improvement Budget on an annual basis. Management staff will make every effort to stay within the allotted budget for each operating account and each capital project. Occasionally it may be necessary to transfer allotted funds between operating accounts or capital projects. These budget transfers may only be done within one of the three main categories; wages, operating expenses, or capital projects, not between categories. All budget transfers undergo Finance Review that ensures funding availability and adherence to policy before final processing. The authority for approving budget transfers without the use of reserve funds is listed in the following table:

    Amount up to: Review/Approval Level
    $25,000 Department Managers/Directors
    $50,000 Assistant General Managers or GM/CEO
    $50,000+ Finance Committee and Board of Directors


    Budget transfers requiring the use of reserve funds less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) may be approved by the GM/CEO or an AGM. Budget transfers requiring the use of reserve funds in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) must be reviewed by the Finance Committee and approved Board of Directors.

( Res. No. 2015-11-5, § 1, 11-24-2015 ; Res. No. 2018-12-1 , § 6, 12-11-2018)