§ 5.08.010. Sewer service rate.  

Latest version.
  • The Sewer Service Charge Rate is the sum of the effective Local Service Charge and the Treatment Charge. Charges are based on Equivalent Dwelling Units [EDU] per month.


    The Local Service Charge (CVWD portion) for Sewer Service per EDU is as follows:

    • Effective 7/1/2013: Five dollars and seventy-three cents ($5.73).


    The Treatment Charge (IEUA portion) for Sewer Service per EDU is as follows:

    • Effective 7/1/2013: Thirteen dollars and thirty-nine cents ($13.39).

    • Effective 7/1/2014: Fourteen dollars and thirty-nine cents ($14.39).

    • Effective 10/1/2015: Fifteen dollars and eighty-nine cents ($15.89).

    • Effective 7/1/2016: Seventeen dollars and fourteen cents ($17.14).


    An approved range of incremental increases in the Sewer Service Charge Rate will be imposed in any fiscal year within which the Inland Empire Utilities Agency [IEUA] adopts an increase in the Treatment Charge imposed by IEUA on the District. Said Sewer Service Charge Rate increases for any applicable year, in connection with this Pass-Through Rate Structure, shall not exceed an amount equal to the percentage increase in the Treatment Charge imposed by IEUA on the District. Therefore, in any fiscal year within which IEUA adopts an increase in its Treatment Charge, the Treatment Charge portion of the Sewer Service Charge Rate shall be increased in an amount equal to the percentage increase in the Treatment Charge. Provided, however, in no event shall the Treatment Charge component of the Sewer Service Charge Rate exceed the cost of providing sewer service.


    Sewer Service Billing Schedule. Sewer service shall be billed on a bimonthly basis and the charges for sewer service shall be indicated on the customer's water and sewer bill. After July 1, 2019, the District may discontinue bimonthly billing and bill customers on a monthly basis. The service charge imposed on a monthly basis will equal half of the service charge imposed on a bimonthly basis. The District may pro-rate the service charges on a per-day basis if necessary during the transition period from bimonthly billing to monthly billing.


    Prorated Sewer Service Charge. For customers who are billed on a flat rate basis, when service is initiated or discontinued at the request of the customer within the monthly service period and the actual service period is less than twenty-five (25) days, the sewer service charge shall be prorated on a thirty-day basis, except that the minimum charge shall be ten (10) percent of the monthly flat rate charge.


    Minimum Sewer Service Charge. For customers who are billed on a flat rate basis, such as residential accounts, the minimum charge shall be ten (10) percent of the monthly flat rate charge. For all other customers, the minimum charge shall be equal to the Sewer Service Rate on a monthly basis.


    Application of Sewer Service Rate. An occupant, owner, or tenant whose premises are served by a connection to the District sewer system, whereby the domestic or non-domestic wastewater, or both, are disposed by the District through the regional treatment and disposal works, or otherwise, shall pay a Sewer Service Rate. The Sewer Service Rate shall be applied to a customer's sewer account in accord with the applicable methods described in Section 5.08.020, Section 5.08.030, or Section 5.08.040 of this Chapter. Determination of the appropriate method of Sewer Service Rate application (Domestic, Commercial, or Industrial) shall be made by the General Manager.

( Ord. No. 32-D, § 2(Exh. A), 4-22-2014 ; Ord. No. 2014-5-1, § 3(a), (b), 5-27-2014 ; Ord. No. 2019-4-4 , § 7, 4-23-2019)