§ 4.16.120. Recycled water services.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Size, Location, and Installation of Service Line. Recycled water service lines shall be extended by the property owner/developer to a curb line or property line of the customer's property, abutting on a public street, highway, road or District easement in which recycled water mains are installed. The size and location and/or type of recycled water service lines, service connections, meters, backflow protection devices, and any/all other appurtenances are subject to review and approval by the District.


    Service Connection Limitations. Recycled water service shall be subject to the following conditions:


    A recycled water service connection and its corresponding meter shall not be used to supply adjoining property of a different owner, or to supply property of the same owner across a road, street or other public right-of-way. When a property provided with a recycled water connection and corresponding meter is subdivided, such connection and meter shall be considered as serving the lot or parcel of land on which the meter is located. Additional recycled water mains and/or recycled water service lines will be required for all subdivided areas in accordance with this ordinance.


    Private irrigation systems for homeowner's associations and other developments where landscaping around homes and in common areas are served with one meter, shall not be allowed to cross public roads, easements, or other public rights-of-way without District approval.


    All recycled water used on any property where a meter is installed must pass through the meter. Customers shall be held responsible and charged for all recycled water passing through their meters.


    Service Pressure. According to AWWA "Guidelines for Distribution of Non-Potable Water (1992)," it is desirable that a pressure differential of ten (10) psi or greater be maintained with the potable water supply having the higher pressure. Site-specific conditions may result in pressure differentials being impractical. In such cases, other design and operational measures may provide the necessary degree of protection including proper pipe identification practices, ensuring adequate horizontal and vertical separation distances between potable and non-potable systems and maintaining accurate "as-built" maps, implementing a comprehensive recycled water program elements into the existing cross-connection control program, and development of employee training/awareness programs.


    Relocation of Recycled Water Service Lines. Should a recycled water service line installed according to the directions of the owner or user be of the wrong size, or installed at a wrong location or depth, the cost of relocation or removal shall be paid for by the user.

( Ord. No. 46-C, § 2(Exh. A), 5-27-2014 )