§ 4.16.090. Recycled water use agreement.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Recycled Water Use Agreement. Every applicant agreeing to receive recycled water shall sign a recycled water use agreement (to be furnished by the District) and shall be subject to the following conditions:


    The applicant shall pay any specified connection fees, service line charges and other charges, and adhere to the requirements prescribed by this ordinance and to any additional requirements required by other agencies governing recycled water use.


    In order to maintain acceptable operating conditions throughout the recycled water system, the Administrator may schedule recycled water use for specific applications. Such scheduling may involve programming deliveries to different users and/or to various portions of a single user's on-site system. Any scheduling shall consider the operating constraints of the affected users.


    The Administrator may temporarily terminate recycled water service at any time recycled water produced by the Inland Empire Utilities Agency reclamation plant does not meet the requirements of the regulatory agencies. Recycled water service would, in such case, be restored when the recycled water meets the governing requirements.


    At a minimum, the Recycled Water Use Agreement shall include the following:


    Names and addresses of owner the property and user of the recycled water.


    A statement that no changes in the proposed system will be undertaken without amending the Agreement.


    A statement that the applicant recognizes potential penalties for violation of this ordinance and any regulatory agencies.


    A copy of the DHS approved Engineering Report.


    Specific quantity of recycled water to be used, including estimated average annual use in acre-feet, and the maximum gallons per minutes (GPM) needed at the point of connection (POC) as shown on the plans.


    Approved uses.


    A statement that the Agreement shall be cancelled or amended if:


    A change of recycled water use occurs.


    A change in the piping system has been implemented without prior approval.


    A violation of these rules and regulations occurs and results in a system turn-off.

( Ord. No. 46-C, § 2(Exh. A), 5-27-2014 )