§ 3.15.020. Program requirements.  

Latest version.
  • Residential customers can apply for the CAP at any time throughout the year; however, funding is limited and may be restricted based on participation. CAP applications are available on the District's website or at the Customer Service counter. In order to qualify, customers must meet the income/household size guidelines set each year by the Public Utilities Commission, California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program.

    In order to streamline the income screening process, District customers can receive the CAP adjustment if they show participation in Southern California Edison or SoCalGas Company's CARE program. The name(s) on the utility bill statements from Edison or SoCalGas must match the name(s) of the customers of record on the account with the District. In addition, only one CAP discount will be granted per qualified applicant. Once a customer's application is completed and approved by the District, the customer will receive an adjustment on their next water utility statement.

( Res. No. 2018-10-1 , § 1(Att. § 2), 10-23-2018)