§ 2.12.070. Authorization.  

Latest version.
  • Authority for board members attendance at District events is subject to approval of the Board of Directors. The following procedures apply to requests to attend an Event which are submitted by members of the board of directors and where said prior approval is required under the Compensation Section, as set forth above.


    Notices for various events are generally received via U.S. Mail, verbally, or electronic correspondence to the Executive Assistant or directly to the board member.


    Board members will communicate their interest in attending a District event to the Executive Assistant in a timely manner. The Executive Assistant will note the event on the Calendar of Events and include the event title, date, location, and the board member(s) who will attend. (Form Attached)


    The Calendar of Events is placed on the Consent Agenda at each Board of Directors meeting for approval prior to the event. It is recognized that in some cases, advance approval may not be feasible. In those cases, the item will be submitted for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors.


    Upon approval of the Calendar of Events, the Executive Assistant will coordinate all accommodation arrangements for the board members.


    After attending a District event, board members are required to submit receipts to the Executive Assistant for processing, which is summarized in the Expense Report Section of this policy.

(Res. No. 2017-8-1 , § 5(Policy No. 2.1), 8-22-2017)